AISL Summer 2022 Institute: Tales from the Crescent hosted by St. Martin’s Episcopal School
Join us for two days at St. Martin’s Episcopal School in Metairie, and historic New Orleans exploring place-based podcasting and digital storytelling. The institute will take place on June 28th and 29th, walking through history in the French Quarter, Bywater, and exploring the Historic New Orleans Collections archival collection and spaces then turning those experiences into a podcast in St. Martin’s Production Studio in our Center for Innovation and Design.
We will also have an evening of Jazz and light refreshments in the courtyard of the Historic New Orleans Collection with Anaïs St. John.
Participants will leave the two-day institute inspired and prepared to integrate place-based learning in their own communities via research, immersive experiences, and sharing technologies.
Registration ($150) covers food for Day 1 and Transportation to and from events.
Non-members can join AISL for an additional $30 to participate in the event.
Day 2 will be breakfast on your own, and lunch on your own at the St. Roch Market which has a variety of lunch options.
A 20% discount has been secured at The Old No. 77 Hotel for Institute attendees. Click here to book.
Bussing from St. Martin’s back to the Airport will be provided at the end of the conference.
There will be a fair amount of walking on this tour, and we will be outdoors, so plan for Louisiana weather (heat and umbrellas)!
Your host- John Byrnes
Association of Independent School Librarians