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Membership level
AISL yearly membership
- $30.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: September 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Full AISL membership is open only to librarians employed in independent schools. The yearly membership runs from Sept 1st - Aug 31st, and due to our low membership fee, we do not pro-rate memberships.
We do not refund memberships after renewal. This is a personal membership and can transfer with you to another school if you leave your position midyear.
As a courtesy, membership can be transferred to a midyear replacement librarian with notification.
Current MS or MLIS Students
- $15.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: September 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Current MS and MLIS students are welcome to join. Please use "LIB STU" for school name if you are not affiliated with an independent school.
Retired AISL Librarians
- $15.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: September 1st
No automatically recurring payments
You must have been a member of AISL prior to retirement for this membership level.
Please list the school you retired from in the school section.
Thank you for your service and sage wisdom over the years.
Association of Independent School Librarians
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